Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Facebook Messages from Random Guys and My Fear of Public Bathrooms?!

January 18, 2017

Well guys, a few more of my blog posts have gotten exactly one read so I'm pretty sure that means I'm gonna be famous tomorrow, lol jk.

I haven't posted in a few days so here's a quick catch up on what's been going on...

Nothing! I haven't really done anything exciting at all in the last few days. School, work, and that's about it. I have, however, managed to spend about $150 on Erin Condren planner stickers on Etsy so that's cool. I'm really good with only spending my money on practical things as you can see.

But honestly, I am addicted to planning. A few months ago I started watching plan with me videos on YouTube and then I got my own Erin Condren for Christmas and now I'm addicted and I can't stop buying stickers. It's honestly helped to keep me really organized though because at the beginning of the week I'll write down when I need to complete each of my homework assignments and then since I look in my planner every single day, I'm never forgetting to do any of them! The most frustrating thing happened yesterday though. I did my ENV homework on Monday night and then I went to class yesterday and realized I had left it in my car. I couldn't turn it in because class had already started and he won't allow us to turn in the homework after he's started teaching, I was beyond annoyed.

Speaking of ENV, I got a Facebook friend request from some guy yesterday and I had no clue who he was but he was friends with my cousin and her boyfriend so I just accepted it. Well, he messaged me and turns out he's in my ENV class. He started out by asking if I did the homework and we had a friendly conversation for awhile until he mentioned that he applied to go to VT in the fall and I told him that my boyfriend was going to VT in the fall and the conversation immediately stopped, haha. I had a feeling that would happen though, I felt bad but I'm glad it ended before things were able to get awkward.

Now I'm at Starbucks, getting some work done before my art class and I really have to pee but I have a fear of public bathrooms so I'm trying my best to hold it. If anyones curious, my Starbucks order is a Venti Iced Caramel Macchiato, it's amazing, 10/10 recommend.

Well there's a quick update for you all, mostly me though, since I'm the only one who reads this. How is your week going?

Thanks for reading!

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